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University of Cambridge

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Nr. 345; La Tua Ombra; Ton Ombre, 1966

Italo Valenti
Paper collage on paper
710 x 1038 mm
[IV 10]
On display

About the artist

Born 1912 – Died 1995

Read the full biography


Jim Ede was clearly struck by Italo Valenti’s handling of black and white and by his understanding of ‘balance’, a notion dear to both men. The artist’s process of composition and the friendship with Ede came together in the inspiration for La Tua Ombra. Ede thus described the piece: ‘His expression of balance, this union of white, of black, is something not to be explained in words; it is entirely a visual creation, known by him as one would know the beauty of sunlight in a wood, or a pebble on the seashore. I obtained one of his larger collage works, an area of white, but what a white, with a shaft of black, falling across it; and somewhere as if by accident, and certainly by magic, a tiny edge of darkness, as of a fallen leaf. It was called ‘The Shadow’. It was for me the impulse of day and night […] A few years later we were having an evening bathe, and the shadow of Italo Valenti’s leg prolonged itself across the sunlit grass. “There is your picture”, he said.’



Nr. 380; Trinome, 1966

Italo Valenti

Nr. 380; Trinome Find out more


Nr. 284; Etana, 1964

Italo Valenti

Nr. 284; Etana Find out more


Nr. 286; Pietra; Pierre, 1964

Italo Valenti

Nr. 286; Pietra; Pierre Find out more


Nr. 287; Giardino a mezzogiorno; Jardin a midi, 1964

Italo Valenti

Nr. 287; Giardino a mezzogiorno; Jardin a midi Find out more